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Maryville University of Saint Louis
Physical Therapy Program
13550 Conway Road
St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: (314) 529-9523
Fax: (314) 529-9495
Web Address:
Program E-mail:
Contact Person: Judy Woehrle, PT, PhD, OCS Director
Missouri State University
Department of Physical Therapy
901 South National Avenue
Springfield, MO 65804-0089
Phone: (417) 836-6179
Fax: (417) 836-6229
Web Address:
Program E-mail:
Contact Person: Loretta M Knutson, PT, PhD, PCS Acting Department Head
Rockhurst University
Department of Physical Therapy
101 Science Center
1100 Rockhurst Road
Kansas City, MO 64110
Phone: (816) 501-4059
Fax: (816) 501-4643
Web Address:
Program E-mail:
Contact Person: Brian McKiernan, PT, PhD Chair
Saint Louis University
Department of Physical Therapy
3437 Caroline Street, Room 1026
St. Louis, MO 63104
Phone: (314) 977-8505
Fax: (314) 977-8513
Web Address:
Program E-mail:
Contact Person: Irma S Ruebling, PT, MA Chairman
Southwest Baptist University
Department of Physical Therapy
1600 University Avenue
Wheeler 136
Bolivar, MO 65613-2496
Phone: (417) 328-1672
Fax: (417) 328-1658
Web Address:
Program E-mail:
Contact Person: Steven Lesh, PT, PhD, MPA, SCS, ATC Program Chair
University of Missouri-Columbia
Department of Physical Therapy
School of Health Professions
106 Lewis Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: (573) 882-7103
Fax: (573) 884-8369
Web Address:
Program E-mail:
Contact Person: Marian A Minor, PT, PhD Chair
Washington University of St Louis
Program in Physical Therapy
School of Medicine
4444 Forest Park Blvd., Suite 1101
St. Louis, MO 63108
Phone: (314) 286-1400
Fax: (314) 286-1410
Web Address:
Program E-mail:
Contact Person: Susan S Deusinger, PT, PhD Director

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Please review our terms and conditions carefully before utilization of the Site. The information on this Site is for informational purposes only and should in no way replace a conventional visit to an actual live physical therapist or other healthcare professional. It is recommended that you seek professional and medical advise from your physical therapist or physician prior to any form of self treatment.
