1 Posts
Posted - 02/08/2006 : 09:44:13 Show Profile Reply with Quote
I recently injured my knee playing basketball when coming down on it. It only hurt a little bit afterwards but really hurt the next day on the inside of the knee. It is now 2 weeks later and it still hurts somewhat. My friend tells me I sprained it. I have also heard of straining the knee. What is the difference between the two and what should I do to get my knee back to 100%?
15 Posts
Posted - 02/10/2006 : 10:38:21 Show Profile Reply with Quote
When you sprain your knee you apply abnormal forces to the ligaments of the knee. The ligaments in the knee include the ACL, PCL, MCL & LCL. The ACL and MCL are the ligaments most commonly injured when participating in athletics. These ligements keep your leg from going too far forward or inward when your foot is planted. A knee strain refers to injury of the muscles in the knee. Muscles are similiar to rubber bands and can be pulled or stressed from a sudden movement or from poor mechanics or posture. The muscles which are commonly strained in the knee include the hamstring and quadriceps muscles. With either injury you would want to rest and give yourself time to heal. If it still bothers you I would recommend you seek the attention of your physician or physcial therapist