USA 2 Posts Posted - 02/27/2006 : 11:55:45 Show Profile Reply with Quote My knee has been hurting for quite awhile now, especially with activities which require me to bend my knee. I finally saw the doctor last Friday and he said I have a condition called patella femoral pain syndrome. He explained to me that this disorder is a result of my knee cap not tracking properly. I was just wondering if anyone else has had it and what you can do to treat it. The doctor gave me an order for physical therapy but given my work schedule I can't get in for awhile.
15 Posts Posted - 02/28/2006 : 21:13:54 Show Profile Reply with Quote Patellofemoral pain syndrome can be caused by many factors which includes overuse of the knee, weakness of the quadriceps muscle (particularly the VMO of the quadriceps muscle) and biomechanical problems. When you see the physical therapist he or she will test your strength, examine how your patella tracks at the knee joint, examine your posture, observe any structural abnormalities and determine if there are flexibility issues. Your therapist will then determine the appropriate plan of care for you. Should therapy be ineffective, your condition may require a surgical procedure called a lateral release. You can ask your PT or MD for more information on this.
As far as what you could do prior to seeing the physical therapist, you can use ice, take anti-inflammatories, use a knee brace, avoid activities which result in high levels of pain, strengthening of the quadriceps muscles ie. quad sets, ¼ wall slides and partial forward lunges (see CyberPT exercise videos page- if exercise results in increase pain than don’t perform) and stretching exercises ie. hamstring stretch, quad stretch, ITB/Glut stretch (see CyberPT exercise videos page- if exercise results in increase pain than don’t perform). Good Luck.
USA 2 Posts Posted - 03/09/2006 : 18:21:48 Show Profile Reply with Quote grpt, Thanks for the info. I've tried some of the exercises but haven't gotten better so I will make an appointment to see a P.T. soon.