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PT Exercises for my daugther

Printed From: CyberPT - Your Online Physical Therapy Resource
Category: Patient Forum
Forum Name: Pediatric Injuries/Conditions
Forum Description: Parents/Caregivers can post questions and experiences about pediatric injuries/conditions.
Printed Date: Mar 11 2025 at 2:03am
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Topic: PT Exercises for my daugther
Posted By: Ask a PT
Subject: PT Exercises for my daugther
Date Posted: Jun 11 2009 at 7:25am
Our user asked: "good day! i am 29 y/o w/ 2 daughters. my youngest 12 y/o, suffered a depression after my husband died last week. i noticed sudden changes on the movement and walking patterns of my child. her right half of the body from head to foot seems to weakened. i rushed to the doctor for consultations and he said that my daughter has a depression effects that is why she was that. can you please tell me some basic and possible exercises i can teach her to gain her strength again. thank you so much"

Ask a PT Response:
"I am so sorry to hear about your lost. A lost as great as this can be devastating for a child. For children that I work with who have strength deficits it is often difficult to keep them on task when it comes to formal exercise. Therefore, I incorporate play with my treatment which makes therapy a lot more fun and interesting. For example, If a child is having strength deficits of the arm I would play games with the child which involves the use of the arm such as tossing, throwing, pulling or pushing. If leg is weak I would incorporate games such as kicking, hopping, jumping, skipping, etc.. Depending on the severity of weakness of the legs and balance, care must be taken when having the child perform the leg exercises to prevent fall and injury. Sample formal exercises which physical therapists prescribe can be found on our exercise video page on: - I wish you the best of luck and my condolences to you and your family."

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