Our user asked: "I had my knee done total replacement on June 2 of this year I have been doing well as far as flexability I ride a stationary recumbent bike 3 times a day for 30 minutes each time I also do some standing exercises to build my knee up I am 70 years old and in good health otherwise and pretty active my question is my leg still hurts a lot when I walk don't know if I need to walk more or what else can I do to make me more mobile thanks for your help"
Ask a PT Response: "Functionally it sounds like you are doing well, given you just had your knee replaced almost 3 months ago. It is not uncommon for some patients to continue to experience some pain for greater than one year after a knee replacement. For those patients of mine that continue to experience pain, I recommend that they continue to work on their home exericse program which includes both strengthening and stretching. I also recommend for them to try working out in the pool if they have access to one. The buoyancy in the water allows for less stresses at the knee and a higher tolerance to exercises which require weight bearing.
In your case, walking more may not be the idea solution if walking is an activity which increases your symptoms. Perhaps increasing the amount of time on your bike may be a more idea solution. Should your pain continue to persist, it may be a good idea to consult with your surgeon again to make sure there are no problems with the knee ie. hardware becoming loose, etc. Best of luck with your recovery."