Our user asked: "Three years ago my knee began going bad. X-rayed. Doc said early RA. I go up and down stairs 4-5 times a day at work 3 days a week. Knee put hips out and now my back is killing me as well. One hip in particular seems worse with less mobility. I need to know what exercises I can safely do to get that hip mobility back. I can no longer bend my left leg even near my chest. There must be exercises to help that. I have no insurance period but will do exercises you suggest. And thank you for your help."
Ask a PT Response: "It would be difficult to determine which exercises would be appropriate for you without physically evaluating you. An evaluation would allow for a therapist to have a better understanding of your posture, strength (hips, core, lower extremities), flexibility, joint play, range of motion, etc.. so that a plan of care specific to your needs can be developed. For my patients that have flexibility issues at the hip I would usually prescribe to them various stretches such as piriformis stretch, ITB stretch, hip adductor/groin stretch, knee to chest stretch, and hip flexor stretch. Sample clips of how to perform these exercises can be found on our exercise videos page http://www.cyberpt.com/cptvidlist.asp - http://www.cyberpt.com/cptvidlist.asp . Another website that has good instruction for exercises can also be found on http://www.exrx.net/index.html - http://www.exrx.net/index.html . Prior to any form of self treatment it is recommended that you seek professional and medical advise from your physical therapist or physician. Best of luck to you."