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continue PT - herniated cervical disc

Printed From: CyberPT - Your Online Physical Therapy Resource
Category: Patient Forum
Forum Name: Head & Neck Injuries/Conditions
Forum Description: Patients can post questions and experiences about head & neck injuries/conditions.
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Topic: continue PT - herniated cervical disc
Posted By: Ask a PT
Subject: continue PT - herniated cervical disc
Date Posted: Mar 23 2011 at 1:36pm
Our user asked: "I fell on 1-26-11 & 1-28-11 I had several xrays and 2 mri's done, I have 3 cervical herniated discs, with some bone spurs between (c3-4 c5-6) I also had a huge contusion on my L humerous.I have had 1 cortisone shot in both my neck area and humerous area, I have been in PT/OT for 4 weeks, the pain in my arm (from contusion itself apears to be better(except when I sleep on it) but since the pain in arm from contusion has been better I am feeling radiating pain(more with activity) in my L arm but down to hands and fingers with some numbness like fingers are clumsey, in the begining I had some numbness but more with just middle finger and thumb, but didnt really make fingers feel clumsey. The PT/OT doesnt help the neck it makes it worse and I cant tolerate the elecrodes, on my neck and scapula areas, and they tried traction and I hurt worse, When sitting up I have to hold my R hand behind my neck just to get some relief of pain, but it still hurts doing that d/t tenderness it still feel like on outside but not that bad. I still do not sleep well if I end up laying on stomach I am in tears because besides numbness scince the begining I feel like neck is on fire like a chemical burn or Indian burn (like you use to do when you were a kid to some ones arm that kind of feeling) the feeling of the burn and more numbness happens with activity,, fold one load of laundry and Im doomed for an hour untill some relief happens, then I go off doing like dishes, but then again min pain, numbness, and burning. I return to neuro surgeon in 10 days, should I request more PT/OT or do you think this is now a surgical matter, my PT/OT persons stated Im not getting that far with therapy they were concerned, but the dr was booked and had to just keep original appt in 10 days. What kind of problems or issues am I facing, the PT/OT makes things worse when I go, was going 3 times a week they have lowered it to 2 times a week."
Ask a PT Response: "Sorry to hear about your condition. Depending on the severity of your herniated discs at your cervical spine, therapy outcomes may be limited. As far as traction goes, have you been receiving it in sitting or supine? Patients differ as far as tolerence for either position. If you have been participating in PT and OT for 4 wks now and your condition has not improved at all, that is definitely a concern. Your PT should communicate and have discussion with your surgeon to determine the best possible treatment course for you. I wish you the best of luck with your recovery."

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