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How to Create Real Results Quickly and Save Your
Hands, with or without Insurance, Clothing or Expensive Equipment
׀ by Theresa A.
Schmidt, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, LMT, CEAS, DD & Carol Tschirpke, PT
Theresa A. Schmidt, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, LMT, CEAS, CHy, DD
is the founder of Educise continuing education in Long Island, NY. Dr. Schmidt
is a Board-certified Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy. She graduated
Long Island University’s Masters Physical Therapy with Highest Honors and
received her Doctorate in PT from University of New England. She served as
Acting Chair of the PTA Program and faculty of the Masters Program at Touro
College, New York, NY, and adjunct professor at Nassau Community and CUNY Queens
College. She integrates evidence-based complementary and medical rehabilitation,
ergonomics and wellness programs, focusing on myofascial and craniosacral
therapy, muscle energy/PNF, positional release, counterstrain, Reiki, shamanic
journeys and therapeutic touch. She is a certified professional speaker,
hypnotherapist, massage therapist, personal trainer, minister, and shamanic
practitioner. Dr. Schmidt presented at International Fascia Research Congress,
NASA Inomedic Health, APTA, AOTA, AMTA/NY, Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins,
private companies and hospitals. Get her free videos at
Carol Tschirpke, co-founded Quality Physical
Therapy, Inc in 1987 and is Chief Operating Office and managing partner of
clinical services with headquarters in Sturbridge, MA. Carol is the Director of
the company’s Industrial Wellness division “ProActive Symptom Management” and
she supervises clinician training through the BioSynchronistics® Institute. Her
website is:
How to Create Real Results Quickly and Save Your Hands, with
or without
Insurance, Clothing or Expensive Equipment
are in pain, they are stuck, they can’t move like they did
prior to that car accident, that overuse problem, or their
work or sports injury. There are a variety of interventions
designed to address the neuromusculoskeletal impairments
that result from injury, poor posture, tension, and overuse.
Most require equipment, draping, and expensive computer
programs for billing. How do you provide programs that
objective functional outcomes without breaking the bank,
hurting your hands, or taking up all your time? Manual
therapy is one of those choices. Patients love it, and you
can get things done in minutes with the right interventions
and exam tools. I spent years taking CE courses to learn
multiple techniques. Now I find the distillation of those
techniques comes down to a powerful system, incorporating
soft tissue work, fascial therapy, mobilization, movement
therapy, neuromuscular re-education, positional release,
exercise and biomechanical alignment. I have been combining
this work for years, with integrative medicine interventions
to produce measurable results. This system is proven to
resolve pain, release tension, realign posture, and
ultimately maximize performance for work, sports, ADLs, and
recreational activities. Now, two physical therapists, Carol
Tschirpke and Cheryl Wilbur, have designed a program with
specific, time-saving exam tools and a step by step
unlayering approach to quickly address movement impairments
in one system, called Biosynchronistics®. The program
integrates manual therapy with movement, similar to what
some of us have done in practice for years. Now there is a
registered system to address movement problems, it’s fast,
easy, and gets objective results, while saving your hands
from digging into tough tissues. How does it work?
What is BioSynchronistics® ?
BioSynchronistics® is a approach of manual therapy effective
in treating the common neuromusculoskeletal conditions
experienced by non-athletes and athletes alike. Earmarks of
modern life, such as too much sitting, repetitive motions,
pushing yourself too far/too soon in athletics, emotional
stress, etc., can cause your body to deviate from its
natural biomechanical equilibrium into malalignment. So your
center of gravity changes from its normal position. You feel
this as unwanted, uncomfortable, tiring, painful, awkward
tightness, strain, or functional limitation in your daily
These are only symptoms resulting when your body compensates
for its malalignment. Your body is working to keep you
upright and functioning. Your muscles tighten, sometimes,
even spasm, to help you deal with your malalignment. Merely
removing this tightness will only bring temporary relief
from your symptoms.
But BioSynchronistics®-trained therapists view the body as a
whole and take fully into account both your life style and
the working arrangements in your body. BioSynchronistics®
approach systematically corrects your underlying
malalignment and restores biomechanical equilibrium within
your body. Now your body can let go of its difficult and
even painful compensations, providing you lasting relief.
You feel better because you are better.
Therapy That Treats the Whole Person, A Unique
Approach to Examination and Intervention
BioSynchronistics® is a method of evaluating your whole body
in view of your lifestyle needs which leads to unified
sequential treatment tailored to you. The ioSynchronistics®
approach to evaluation and treatment was developed by the
owners/founders of Quality Physical Therapy/
BioSynchronistics®. The gentle hands-on approach, which are
rooted in the sciences of anatomy, physiology and physics,
integrate the art of balancing the body around its center of
gravity to promote improved multi-system function.
Quality Physical Therapy SM, Inc./BioSynchronistics®, a
private group of clinics, was established in 1987. Co-owners
Cheryl Wilbur and Carol Tschirpke are Physical Therapists
who constantly broaden and deepen their knowledge of
techniques through participation in continuing education, as
students and as instructors. Both therapists found a notable
lack of whole body application in even the most
sophisticated training. Focusing on the whole body because
each patient needs the health of the whole body for daily
living, they developed a manual therapy approach named
BioSynchronistics® draws on traditional physical therapy
techniques, and is enhanced with a holistic approach based
on both the force of gravity and the body’s inherent ability
to heal itself. It combines a manual approach that balance,
sequentially, all the body’s systems. When learned in full,
BioSynchronistics® is quickly usable. It complies with
current insurance billing requirements as manual therapy and
exercise codes. Treatment is accepted by most insurances.
But the beauty is, the work changes people’s lives, and
clients are willing to pay for what works, even after
insurance cut them off, or charged them high deductibles and
copays. Check out the before and after videos to appreciate
the immediate changes:
Imagine combining fast and easy exam skills with manual
therapy that creates changes under your hands. It uses
gentle techniques, integrating fascial therapy, movement
therapy, neuromuscular re-education, postural alignment, and
energy, often with immediate results. Measure the changes
and build on maximizing functional performance. Ready to
rocket your clinical skills to the next level with a proven
Dr. Schmidt is a board-certified specialist in orthopedic
physical therapy and a certified ergonomic assessment
specialist. Learn more with free videos, home study and live
seminars with Educise at And on Facebook at
Last revised: February 25, 2018
by Theresa A. Schmidt, DPT, MS, OCS, LMT, CEAS, DD & Carol Tschirpke, PT
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