PT Classroom - Angular Joint Mobilization ® (A new Concept of Joint Mobilization) ׀ by Younghoon Kim, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS |
![]() Dr. Younghoon Kim's career began as a Physical Therapist in 1998 after graduating from Sahmyook University in Korea. He then moved to the United States and finished his Master’s Degree at Loma Linda University in 2001. He later went on to earn his Doctorate Degree at Western University in 2007. He is also a Board Certified Orthopedic Specialist in Physical Therapy from the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS) since 2005. He took various manual therapy courses and felt the need to develop more techniques to improve patient care. He developed the Angular Joint Mobilization® (AJM) technique from working with frozen shoulder patients who responded better with his new technique, and developed the Angular Soft Tissue Mobilization® (ASTM) technique from patient’s better response to different directions of soft tissue mobilization with movement. He also developed the Angular Tension Release® (ATR) technique to release tensional tight soft tissue in the upper trapezius which didn't respond to soft tissue mobilization. Dr. Kim is also the owner of Young Physical Therapy, Inc. Specialty Center in Lancaster, California, USA, which he started up in 2008. |
Angular Joint Mobilization ® (A new Concept of Joint Mobilization) |
How do you open a stuck drawer (translatory motion joint)?
Controversy of Convex-Concave rule
Knee Flexion Angular Joint Mobilization-Anterior shift
Angular Joint Mobilization® indications: All joints with
restricted range of motion regardless if capsular or non
capsular patterns exist, prosthetic joints (ex: Total knee
arthroplasty, etc.).
For more information on Angular Joint Mobilization® please visit
Last revised: July 20, 2014
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