Conditions & Treatments - Iliotibialband Syndrome (Runner's Knee)


The iliotibial band (ITB) is a layer of connective/ fibrous tissue which runs down the outer side of the thigh and attaches to the outer side of the lower leg just underneath the outer knee joint line. The image provided displays the iliotibial band. The iliotibial band assists with stabilization of the knee. Runners often develop outside knee pain or ITB syndrome as a result of overuse. Other contributing factors of ITB syndrome can include poor running and walking mechanics, poor footwear, having poor flexibility of the ITB and other muscles in the hip, pelvis and legs, over pronation, leg length discrepancy and structural abnormalities such as having a bow-leg. The ITB is often irritated and becomes inflamed as a result of repetitive frictioning of the band at the knee joint line. This can result in pain and tenderness at the outside of the knee.



Iliotibial Band Syndrome (Runner's Knee) Treatment Options for a P.T.

· Ice Packs/Ice Massage

· Postural Training/Functional Training

· ROM/Gentle Stretching (see videos 26, 27 & Z4 for hip/groin/knee)

· Massage/Soft Tissue Mobilization 

· Obtain an orthotic for foot


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Last revised: January 1, 2008
by Chai Rasavong, MPT



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