Question: Is massage therapy effective in reducing symptoms of
cervicogenic headache in adults?
History of the Case: “DJ” is a 47 year old female with a medical diagnosis
of cervicogenic headache post-whiplash injury to her neck, sustained in a
MVA on 3/1/07. In the accident, DJ was driving her car at 65mph in highway
traffic when she reportedly stopped suddenly to avoid the car ahead, spun
and struck a cement wall on the driver’s side of her car. She struck the
left side of her head on the window, but did not lose consciousness. Since
the accident, she has suffered from neck pain, limited cervical range of
motion and intermittent headaches, which become disabling about once per
week. She is taking naprosyn 500mg 2x/day and flexiril prn at night, to
control her headache. She has no other medical problems. She has had prior
whiplash type injuries over the years, but none which caused persistent
headaches. JD works full-time as a science teacher. She is married with no
children. She has not been able to participate in her usual recreational
activities tennis, running, and aerobic dance since the accident. She has
tried the usual course of physical therapy with hot packs, electrotherapy,
and stretching exercise with minimal temporary relief of the neck pain and
headaches. Symptoms return when she is physically active, lifting over 5
pounds, pushing or pulling over 25 pounds, and after attempting to run,
dance, or play tennis for over 15 minutes. She has missed several days from
work due to the severity of her headaches. She said that massage therapy
provides the greatest relief, to allow her to work, but the symptoms return
if she exerts herself by lifting over 50 pounds, or if she inverts her head
for greater than a minute or two. She had x-rays, neck and brain MRI, which
showed DJD of the cervical spine. No further medical testing was performed.
She reports her general health is excellent.
To determine if the evidence I found is applicable to this patient, I
reviewed studies about manual treatments for headache relief. Some of the
evidence indicates that manual therapy or massage may be beneficial for
patients with headache. Most articles do not specify what type of headache
they review, some group different headache types into a single study. Some
studies incorporate several interventions to note the effect on headache,
which does not allow us to isolate the effect of a particular intervention.
Studies use a variety of different treatment frequencies, durations, and
follow-up times. It is difficult to compare evidence when a variety of
factors are not homogenous. I recommend future studies review the effect of
a single or selected group of interventions on a specific type of headache:
migraine, tension, or cluster headache. Future studies must look at the
differences between varying frequencies, durations and long term effects of
the interventions in homogenous subject groups. My impression of the
available full text studies, which are systematic reviews, follows.
A systematic review was conducted by Bronfort, et al, entitled “Noninvasive
Physical Treatments for Chronic/Recurrent Headache” in Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews (1). The authors reviewed 21 randomized and one
quasi-randomized controlled trials of 2628 patients with headaches, to
quantify and compare the effects of the physical treatments on headaches.
The trials were scored for methodological quality, with 100 being the
highest score. Ten studies scored at least 50. The review indicated variable
results for different types of headaches. One study reported that a
combination of auto-massage, stretching, and electrotherapy showed weaker
evidence than spinal manipulation for tension headache relief (2).
Manipulation was more effective as prophylaxis than massage for short-term
relief of cervicogenic headache. Few adverse effects were reported for
physical treatments for headaches. The reviewers determined that additional
studies of a more homogenous nature are needed to determine which types of
physical treatments are effective for reducing headaches. The studies
considered several types of headaches including cervicogenic, migraine,
cluster, tension and, posttraumatic, and mixed headaches. The authors
determined that none of the evidence was conclusive due to the heterogeneity
of the samples reviewed.
The treatments reviewed compared the physical treatment to placebo or
another intervention or no intervention. Outcome measures included pain
level, patient satisfaction, activities of daily living/functional level,
medication use, duration and frequency of headache, and level of
improvement. Bronfort’s review included a description of the methods of
review. Studies were analyzed by two separate reviewers who extracted
specific data from each article using a checklist. The reviewers were not
blinded, they standardized the effect size scores and outcomes data using
percentage points. The quality of individual studies was reported on a scale
of zero to 100; studies scored at least a 50 or more were considered to be
of high quality. Reviewers classified twenty methodological items as
“informativeness” items or “internal validity” items. Some of the items
were: randomization, inclusion/exclusion criteria, comparability of
variables for groups studied, reliability/validity, blinding, bias, post
intervention follow-up periods, description of interventions, comparison to
other interventions, study objective or hypothesis, analysis consistency
with the design of the study, statistical power, confidence intervals,
dropout impact, random data allocation, intention to treat analysis,
adjustments made to the number statistical tests, and validity of main
conclusions (3).
Researchers classified the quality levels for each study into five levels
from strong, moderate, limited, preliminary, or conflicting evidence, based
on validity scores. Trial results were pooled if the interventions, outcomes
or patient population were homogenous. One primary outcome measure was
headache index or pain intensity. Based on the exhaustive nature of the
quantitative analysis of trial results and the level of evidence used to
evaluate the reviewed studies, it appears that the conclusions generated
were substantive.
The valid results of this review are important for many reasons. Physical
therapists often use a range of individual physical treatments or a
combination of interventions to manage headaches. The reviews included
comparing a wide range of individual interventions to combination package
interventions and also to controls or placebos. Several of the studies
assessed massage as one of the interventions. It appears that the
heterogeneity of the interventions used make it difficult to draw
conclusions. Of the 22 trials reviewed, only one directly addressed the
effect of massage on cervicogenic headache (4). The studies were very different
in the number of interventions performed (1-12 over 1-6 weeks). More research
is needed to determine the optimal number of interventions and duration of
treatment to perform to achieve the desired outcome of headache reduction.
In studies that included massage in combination with other physical
treatments such as heat, ultrasound or acupuncture, one cannot decide
whether any individual intervention or the combination most influenced the
outcome measures. Since massage was not tested as the only variable, no
direct conclusion can be drawn about the benefit of massage alone.
The Bronfort review discussed limitations of the study, including
publication bias. The authors noted that three of the studies reviewed were
ones in which at least one of the authors participated(5). The review included
only published research, which is more likely to have positive outcomes than
unpublished research (6). The authors also mentioned that clinical trials done
in languages other than English may have been missed. The authors used two
methodological scoring systems in order to minimize bias. Overall, the
review was very comprehensive, with few limitations. The authors made an
excellent summary point, stating, “Authors too often draw inappropriate
conclusions when they declare treatment effectiveness based solely on
presence or absence of statistical differences between a test treatment and
a control. To inform decisions about management of individual patients, it
may be much more appropriate to think in terms of available treatment
options which have shown a meaningful clinical effect, rather than choosing
or discarding specific therapies based on mean group differences of
undefined clinical importance(7).”
The authors concluded that, “No single approach to interpreting findings
from RCTs and systematic reviews is perfect. To inform decisions about the
management of individual patients, it may be more appropriate to think in
terms of available treatment options that have shown a meaningful clinical
effect, rather than choosing or discarding specific therapies solely based
on mean group differences of undefined clinical importance (8).” Their
conclusion is reasonable in consideration of the fact that therapists select
from a wide variety of interventions to treat headaches, and the outcome of
primary importance is the response of the individual patient to a given
intervention. This systematic review provided some evidence to indicate that
manual therapies, including massage and spinal manipulation, may help to
reduce headaches, with little adverse effects. More studies must be done
using specific headache classifications, subject homogeneity, and specific
outcome criteria, in order to identify the types of therapies effective in
reducing headache pain. The results of this review are applicable to my case
study. In treating my case study patient’s headache, I utilized a
combination of massage therapy, joint mobilization, (manipulation)
therapeutic exercise, and relaxation training. The evidence from the review
provides moderate support for the use of the manipulation, and minimal
support for the use of massage, exercise and relaxation training. Overall,
there are few side effects of these interventions, and if my patient shows
improvement with any of them, I will choose to continue the treatment. Based
on the outcomes of the review, I may focus more time on manipulation to
reduce headaches, and measure the outcome for my individual patient. If the
outcome is favorable, I will continue the treatment.
Another systematic review of the effect of manual therapies on headache
reduction was undertaken by Fernandez de las Penas, et al. (9) The authors
reviewed the computerized databases Medline, Pubmed, Ovid, Cochrane, AMED,
MANTIS, CINAHL, EMBASE, and PEDro. They selected controlled clinical trials
and reviews to determine the effect of manual therapy on tension type
headaches. The authors reviewed publications based on specific inclusion
criteria using a standardized format for data extraction. The authors stated
that they agreed on the items in the form, and verified “observer
reliability” using coefficient (K= 0.79) (10). Studies selected included open
uncontrolled studies and randomized controlled trials, which included manual
therapy treatment for tension headaches. The studies were limited to English
language publications post-1994. The PEDro quality scoring method was used
to determine methodological quality on a scale of 0 to 10, with a score
greater than five considered high quality and a score less than five to be
low quality. Authors used either effect size (ES) or an outcome quality
score of P<0.05 to determine the level of scientific evidence for the
trials, ranging from strong, moderate, limited, or inconclusive evidence.
The primary outcome measure included headache frequency, intensity, or
duration. Fifty-five articles were found, however, only six total articles
met their eligibility criteria for final selection (11). The total number of
subjects across all studies was 405.
The manual therapies evaluated in the studies included “spinal manipulation,
classic massage, connective tissue manipulation, soft tissue massage, Dr.
Cyriax’s vertebral mobilization, manual traction, and CV-4 craniosacral
technique (12). The studies varied widely in the duration of intervention,
from a single session to 6 weeks of therapy. “(mean=3.6+/- 1.9
weeks)…sessions ranged from 1 to 20 (mean = 11.6+/- 7.3) (13). Four of the six
studies assessed a single intervention, the others used a combination of
techniques. As a result of the mix of interventions, a meta-analysis could
not be done. Different controls were used in each study, with variable
follow-up periods ranging from immediately post-treatment to 6 months post-
treatment. Some used medication groups as controls, others compared
manipulation alone to a combination of manipulation with traction or massage
or placebo laser, to neck exercises or to no treatment at all. Because so
many types of treatments were considered, it is difficult to draw
conclusions about any one type of intervention. The interventions are too heterogenous to draw a final conclusion about any one intervention.
The methodological quality of the studies reviewed was determined by use of
PEDro scores, which ranged from 2-8 points (mean=5.8+/-2.1) (14). Four of the
six trials reviewed scored from 6-8 points, and were therefore considered to
be of high quality. The effect size (ES) could only be calculated in two
trials. Effect sizes were reported as (0.3) on headache frequency and
intensity values (0.49) on pressure pain threshold, and (0.1) on range of
cervical motion for the Cyriax mobilization group (15). The craniosacral group
has the largest ES (0.84) on pain outcomes relative to the control and
exercise groups (16). The authors determined that the level of evidence for
the value of spinal manipulation was inconclusive, based on the outcome of
two high quality studies and one poor quality study, which had differing
results. They found limited evidence for connective tissue massage and craniosacral therapy, since each had only one trial study performed. The
authors concluded that due to the limited number of high quality studies on
manual therapies, (RCTs) and the heterogeneity of the samples and techniques
used, there is little evidence to support the use of manual therapy for
tension headaches.
The authors determined that the reviewed studies were nonconclusive in
regard to the efficacy of manual therapies on headache for several reasons.
The studies used different outcome measures, different manual techniques,
and inconsistency in the design of the clinical trails. (Some assessors were
not blinded, or did not use an intention-to-treat analysis) They suggest
using other standard outcome measures such as the Pressure Pain Threshold,
McGill Pain Questionnaire, or Neck Disability Index, to make the outcomes
measures more homogenous (17).
Publication bias may be evident in this review, since only published English
studies were considered, and mostly positive outcomes may be represented.
The authors recommended that future studies of higher quality design with
more homogenous subjects and interventions would better represent the
outcomes of manual therapies for tension headaches.
One could use the results of Fernandez de las Penas’ review to consider the
type of manual therapy to use with this case study patient. They did remark
that there if limited evidence for effectiveness of soft tissue manipulation
for reducing headaches, and inconclusive findings for the use of
manipulation. I utilize both treatments in my plan for headache reduction
for my patient, with good results in pain reduction and lower duration of
pain, and in the improved scores on the Neck Disability Index. Since the
soft tissue intervention has low risk of side effects, (compared to
medication or vertebral manipulation) I will continue to use it. I always
use outcome measures in my practice, including those recommended by the
authors, such as range of motion, Neck Disability Index, and the SF-36
questionnaires. When I note positive outcomes based on these objective
measures, I continue to apply the manual therapy to get favorable results.
Simply finding a lack of evidence in the literature to support manual
therapy does not preclude its use in my practice. I find that using
objective measures such as the Neck Disability Index and other standard
outcome measures to assess the results of my interventions is superior to
using literature review, because I can see the immediate and long term
results with my patients on a one-to-one basis. I will use the literature as
a guide to determine which interventions may be efficacious for a given
problem, such as headaches (18-20). If I do not generate positive results
within two to three visits, I will return to the literature to find
alternative interventions. Since the research is constantly updated, I
obtain the latest information directly in my e-mail from Medline. It is
critical to know how to perform a literature review to locate recent studies
which may prove beneficial to patients and to practice as a manual
therapist. With practice, one can find more high-quality evidence to use in
a reasonable period of time. As noted in each study reviewed, more research
is needed with better methodology to determine the optimal interventions for
a given problem.
Last revised: May 22, 2008
Theresa A. Schmidt, MS, PT, OCS, LMT
1. Bronfort, G, Nilsson, N, Haas, M, Evans, R, Goldsmith, CH, Assendelft,
WJJ, and Bouter, LM. Noninvasive Physical Treatments for Chronic/Recurrent
Headache. [Reviews]. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2007;3: 1-47.
Available at,
Accessed November 2, 2007.
Footnote 1-16
2. Bronfort, p. 2. (pp. 11-12)
3. Bronfort, p. 11-12
4. Bronfort, p.15.
5. Bronfort, p.33.
6. Bronfort, p.30
7. Bronfort, p. 31.
8. Bronfort, p. 33.
9. Fernandez de las Penas, C, Alonso-Blanco, C, Luz Cuadrado, M, Miangolarra,
JC, Barriga, FJ, and Pareja, JA, Are Manual Therapies Effective in Reducing
Pain from Tension Type Headache? A Systematic Review. Clinical Journal of
Pain March/April 2006; 22:(3): 278-285.
(Footnote 9-17)
10. Fernandez de las Penas, p. 279.
11. Fernandez de las Penas, p. 280.
12. Fernandez de las Penas, p. 280.
13. Fernandez de las Penas, p. 282.
14. Fernandez de las Penas, p. 282.
15. Fernandez de las Penas, p. 283.
16. Fernandez de las Penas, p. 283.
17. Fernandez de las Penas, p. 284.
18. Haraldsson, BG, Gross, AR, Myers, CD, Ezzo, JM, Morien, a, Goldsmith, C,
Peloso, PM, Bronfort, G. Massage for Mechanical Neck Disorders. Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews. 3:2007.
19. Tsao, JC, Effectiveness of Massage Therapy for Chronic Nonmalignant
Pain: a Review. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2007
June; 4(2): 165-179. Epub 2007 Feb 5. Available at:http://www.ncbi. Accessed November 2, 2007.
20. Biondi, DM. Physical Treatment for Headache: a Structured Review.
Headache. 2005 June; 45, (6):738-746.