Section 3005(g) of the
Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012
(MCTRJCA) requires the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS) to implement “a claims-based data collection
strategy that is designed to assist in reforming the
Medicare payment system for outpatient therapy services
subject to the limitations of section 1833(g) of the Act.
Such strategy shall be designed to provide for the
collection of data on patient function during the course of
therapy services in order to better understand patient
condition and outcomes (1).” This proposed rule would be
applicable for “therapy services (physical therapy,
occupational therapy, and speech-language-pathology (SLP))
furnished in hospitals, critical access hospitals (CAHs),
skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), CORFs, rehabilitation
agencies, home health agencies (when the beneficiary is not
under a home health plan of care), and in private offices of
therapists, physicians and nonphysician practitioners (1,
CMS has an implementation date of January 1, 2013 for this
rule with a six month testing period such that claims that do
not comply with the data reporting requirements will be
returned beginning July 1, 2013 (1). Under this new rule nonpayable G-codes
& modifiers will be included on the
claim forms to capture data on the beneficiary's functional
limitations (1, 2):
A) at the outset of the therapy episode - Initial Evaluation
(Current G-code with modifier and Goal G-code with modifier)
B) at a minimum every 10th visit (Current G-code with
updated modifier and Goal G-code with modifier (updated))
C) and at discharge (Discharge G-code with modifier and Goal
G-code modifier)
G-codes are based on the
ICF: Functional limitation =
Activity Limitations + Participation Restriction (3). They
should be reported in the medical records throughout care at
specific intervals when functional reporting is required.
When reporting G codes the therapist should report only on
one limitation (primary) at a time (3). The therapist is
able to report on a second limitation but not
simultaneously. The therapist can report a second
(subsequent) limitation once reporting of the primary
limitation is complete (3). The therapist can initiate
reporting of the secondary (subsequent) limitation (New
Current G-code with modifier & New Goal G-code with modifier) on
the visit following reporting of final status of primary
limitation (3)”.
Table 1 - G-Codes for Claims-Based Functional Reporting
for 2013
Walking & Moving Around |
G8978 |
Mobility: walking & moving around
functional limitation, current status, at therapy
episode outset and at reporting intervals |
G8979 |
Mobility: walking & moving around
functional limitation, projected goal status, at
therapy episode outset, at reporting intervals, and
at discharge or to end reporting |
G8980 |
Mobility: walking & moving around
functional limitation, discharge status, at
discharge from therapy or to end reporting |
Changing &
Maintaining Body Position |
G8981 |
Changing & maintaining body
position functional limitation, current status, at
therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals |
G8982 |
Changing & maintaining body
position functional limitation, projected goal
status, at therapy episode outset, at reporting
intervals, and at discharge or to end reporting |
G8983 |
Changing & maintaining body
position functional limitation, discharge status, at
discharge from therapy or to end reporting |
Carrying, Moving & Handling Objects |
G8984 |
Carrying, moving & handling
objects functional limitation, current status, at
therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals |
G8985 |
Carrying, moving & handling
objects functional limitation, projected goal
status, at therapy episode outset, at reporting
intervals, and at discharge or to end reporting |
G8986 |
Carrying, moving & handling
objects functional limitation, discharge status, at
discharge from therapy or to end reporting |
G8987 |
Self care functional limitation,
current status, at therapy episode outset and at
reporting intervals |
G8988 |
Self care functional limitation,
projected goal status, at therapy episode outset, at
reporting intervals, and at discharge or to end
reporting |
G8989 |
Self care functional limitation,
discharge status, at discharge from therapy or to
end reporting |
Other PT/OT Primary Functional
Limitation |
G8990 |
Other physical or occupational
primary functional limitation, current status, at
therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals |
G8991 |
Other physical or occupational
primary functional limitation, projected goal
status, at therapy episode outset, at reporting
intervals, and at discharge or to end reporting |
G8992 |
Other physical or occupational
primary functional limitation, discharge status, at
discharge from therapy or to end reporting
Other PT/ OT Subsequent
Functional Limitation |
G8993 |
Other physical or occupational
subsequent functional limitation, current status, at
therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals |
G8994 |
Other physical or occupational
subsequent functional limitation, projected goal
status, at therapy episode outset, at reporting
intervals, and at discharge or to end reporting |
G8995 |
Other physical or occupational
subsequent functional limitation, discharge status,
at discharge from therapy or to end reporting |
In addition to G-codes, modifiers are to also be included in
the medical records which will indicate the extent of the
severity/complexity of the functional limitation. These
severity modifiers are classified into a seven point scale.
Therapist should use valid and reliable functional
assessments (ie.
Timed Up and Go (TUG),
Modified Oswestry Low Back
Disability Questionaire,
Neck Disability Index (NDI),
Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH),
Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS)) and/or objective measures
in addition to their clinical judgment in selecting the
severity modifier (3). They are to document accordingly in
the medical record to justify their choice of modifier and
process used. If therapy services are not intended to
address a functional limitation use “Other” G-code and the
CH modifier (3).
Table 2 - Severity/Complexity Modifiers
for 2013
CH |
0 percent impaired, limited or
restricted |
CI |
At least 1 percent but less than
20 percent impaired, limited or restricted |
CJ |
At least 20 percent but less than
40 percent impaired, limited or restricted |
CK |
At least 40 percent but less than
60 percent impaired, limited or restricted |
CL |
At least 60 percent but less than
80 percent impaired, limited or restricted |
CM |
At least 80 percent but less than
100 percent impaired, limited or restricted |
CN |
100 percent impaired, limited or
restricted |
Provided below is a sample guideline for documentation of a
patient (s/p L hip ORIF 2 weeks ago) incorporating G codes
and severity modifiers (4):
Initial Evaluation
1. Patient completes valid functional tool (Timed Up and Go (TUG),
Modified Oswestry Low Back
Disability Questionaire,
Neck Disability Index (NDI),
Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH),
Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) etc.)
2. Therapist will determine the SEVERITY MODIFIER for the
patient’s CURRENT STATUS in the initial evaluation (See
Table 2).
3. Therapist will determine the Primary or most significant
impairment category “G-CODE” for the patient’s CURRENT
STATUS (See Table 1).
4. Therapist will determine the SEVERITY MODIFIER for the
GOAL (see Table 2)
5. Therapist will document the supporting medical
documentation in the section ASSESSMENT including the
Primary CURRENT STATUS “G-Code” and Severity Modifier with
the corresponding “G-Code” and GOAL.
Initial Evaluation Example:
“Patient’s primary goal for PT is to be able to walk indoors
and ascend/descend stairs in home (G8978) independently with
use of railing. Her current impairment level is 70% (CL)
based on her LEFS and TUG scores. She is expected to be able
to walk inside and outside her home with less than 20%
(G8979 CI) impairment after 8 weeks of therapy (3).”
10th Visit – Reassessment Note
1. Patient completes valid functional tool (Timed Up and Go (TUG),
Modified Oswestry Low Back
Disability Questionaire,
Neck Disability Index (NDI),
Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH),
Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) etc.)
2. Therapist will determine the SEVERITY MODIFIER for the
patient’s CURRENT STATUS at the 10TH Visit (see table 2)
3. Therapist will select the Primary “G-CODE” identified in
the Initial Evaluation (See Table 1)
4. Therapist will determine and revise if appropriate the
SEVERITY MODIFIER for the patient’s GOAL (See table 2).
5. Therapist will document the supporting medical
documentation in the section ASSESSMENT of the Progress
Note/Re-Assessment including the Primary “G-Code” and
Severity Modifier with the corresponding “G-Code” and GOAL
10th Visit – Reassessment Example:
"Patient has improved in safety with her mobility. Her
current impairment level for walking around (G8978) is 50%
(CK) based on her LEFS and TUG scores. She is expected to be
able to walk inside and outside her home with less than 20%
(G8979 CI) impairment after 8 weeks of therapy (3)."
1. Patient completes valid Functional tool (Timed Up and Go (TUG),
Modified Oswestry Low Back
Disability Questionaire,
Neck Disability Index (NDI),
Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH),
Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) etc.)
2. Therapist will determine the SEVERITY MODIFIER for the
patient’s CURRENT STATUS at DISCHARGE (see table 2)
3. Therapist will select the Primary “G-CODE” identified in
the Initial Evaluation (See Table 1)
4. Therapist will determine and revise if appropriate the
SEVERITY MODIFIER for the patient’s GOAL (see table 2).
5. Therapist will document the supporting medical
documentation in the section of ASSESSMENT the Discharge
Summary including the Primary “G-Code” and Severity Modifier
with the corresponding “G-Code” and
GOAL SEVERITY MODIFIER. (See tables 1 & 2)
* If the Primary Impairment goal has been met, therapist
may begin reporting on the next significant impairment.
Discharge – Reassessment Example:
"Patient has improved in safety with her mobility. Her
current impairment level for walking around (G8980) is 15%
(CI) based on her LEFS and TUG scores. She has achieved her
goal to be able to walk outside her home (G8979) with less
than 20% (CI) impairment at time of discharge from physical
therapy (3)."
Last revised: February 17, 2013
by Chai Rasavong, MPT, MBA
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 222 / Friday, November 16,
2012 / Rules and Regulations
(last accessed 2/17/13)
3) Kraai, Melody (LPN) - Accurate Medical Billing &
Consulting,LLC. January 15, 2013. Documentation Updates -
Alliant Physical Therapy Group, Hales Corners, WI.
4) Laurenzi, Dino - United Hospital System. February 5,
2013. Medicare CBOR 2013 - Kenosha, WI. |