Sever’s disease is a condition
commonly associated with overuse much like Osgood-Schlatter
disease (1). It is regularly found in children and involves
inflammation of the calcaneal apophysis, the site where the
Achilles tendon inserts onto the calcaneus (1, 2, 3). Within this
site is a growth center which consists of cartilage that are
secondary centers of ossification (1, 2). This area is often
irritated as a result of repetition which results in trauma to
the bone-cartilage junction of the skeletally immature child (1,
2). This condition most often occurs in children between 7 to 15
years of age with more frequent findings in females between 8
and 10 years of age and in males between 10 and 12 years in age
(1). The onset of a growth spurt or the beginning of a new sport
season are associated periods of time when a child may develop
this condition (1, 2, 3). Participation in athletics or play which
involves running, sprinting, hopping, or jumping could
contribute to this condition as well (1, 2). Over time, the
condition will usually go away on its own once the bone has
matured (1, 2).
Symptoms of Sever’s Disease or Calcaneal Apophysitis
Children that have Sever’s Disease will complain of posterior
heel pain at the region of the calcaneal apophysis. The onset of
pain is usually gradual which can be exacerbated with
weight-bearing activities to the point where the child may limp
and is unable to participate in physical activities (1, 2, 3). Rest
of the involved extremity along with participation in physical
therapy may provide relief from symptoms in 2–8 weeks (3).
Physical Therapy Findings in Patients’ with Sever's
Disease Often times children that present with Sever’s disease will
display pain and tenderness at the region of the heel, limited
ankle joint dorsiflexion, over pronation of the foot, and
increase pain with weight-bearing activities (1, 2, 3).
Radiographs are not effective for diagnosing this condition but
can be utilized to rule out other potential pathologies (1, 2, 3).
However, a diagnostic test that involves medial-lateral
compression of the calcaneus in the area of the growth plate
will elicit pain in individuals with Sever’s disease (2, 3).
Sever's Disease/Calcaneal Apophysitis Treatment Options for a
• Rest
• Postural/Functional Training
• ROM exercises (see
video 03a & 03b for lower leg/ankle/foot)
• Stretching (see videos
9 &
10 for
lower leg/ankle/foot)
• Strengthening/Stabilization (see video
2 for lower
• Manual Therapy
• Modalities (ice, ultrasound/phonophoresis/iontophoresis/ketoprfen
• Obtain heel lift, heel cups, UCBL orthotic
Last revised: May 18, 2012
by Chai Rasavong, MPT, MBA
1) White R. Ketoprofen Gel as an Adjunct to Physical Therapist
Management of a Child with Sever Disease. Physical Therapy.
2) Scharfbillig R, et al. Sever's Disease: What Does the
Literature Really Tell Us? Journal of the American Podiatric
Association. 2008;98(3):212-223.
3) Madden CC, et al. Sever's disease and other causes of heel
pain in adolescents. Am Fam Physician. 1996 Nov
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