Einstein once said, “Only a life lived for others is a life
worthwhile.” I can say with confidence that I have chosen a career
in which I can find fulfillment in serving others by utilizing my
talents and passions on a day-to-day basis. We as physical
therapists are fortunate to not only have opportunities to serve our
local communities through our workplaces, but can take our social
responsibility a step further by looking outside our immediate world
and embarking on global outreach initiatives. Over a billion people
are estimated to live with some form of disability (1). This
corresponds to about 15% of the world's population, of which
represent the most marginalized groups in the world. They have
poorer health outcomes, lower education achievements, less economic
participation and higher rates of poverty than people without
disabilities (1). These staggering statistics prove the need for
rehabilitation services in every corner of the world in order to
start to meet the needs of this global health burden.
Back in 2008 as a undergrad student at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, I was fortunate enough to participate in a study
abroad experience that allowed me the opportunity to volunteer at
physical therapy clinics across the Dominican Republic. Even as a
student, I found myself providing a certain sense of hope to
patients and therapists. I found myself gaining a growing sense of
overwhelming duty and commitment to the unmet needs for
higher-quality services and physical therapy education. From the
connections I made, I was able to make two return trips to continue
providing volunteer efforts and coordinated a personal fundraising
campaign to provide shoes to children in one of the poorest
communities in the country's capitol. Once a graduate student in the
physical therapy program at the UW, I served as a coordinator of our
student-run pro bono medical clinic. I was able to take full
advantage of my global perspective, bilingual skills, and leadership
experience to make the clinic a positive learning experience for all
volunteers and an effective source of healthcare for community
members in Madison. Although not a volunteer experience, I was able
to travel to Puerto Rico for one of my 8-week clinical internships,
where I continued to cultivate my global perspective and bilingual
skills. Now as a licensed physical therapist, I can only imagine how
much more impact I will be able to have in volunteering my services
in my local and global communities.
Now more than ever, physical therapists can serve a vital role in
aiding the global health burden. In particular, the area of disaster
relief has opened up it's doors to physical therapists in an even
greater way throughout the past decade. Initially, physical
therapists often served in nonclinical or nontraditional roles in
disaster response such as logistics, operations, or liaison
officers, but rarely did they work autonomously in a clinical role
(2). Since Hurricane Katrina, there has been an overall increase in
therapists being utilized as part of the multidisciplinary team
conducting specific clinical roles such as neuromusculoskeletal
evaluations, amputee training, and wound care. PTs' skills may have
been underused because other health professionals were unaware of
the high level of musculoskeletal assessment and management skill
sets that PTs bring to the field (2). Now with greater recognition
and demand, PTs are able to utilize their specialized skills to best
meet the health care demands abroad.
Indeed, there are countless opportunities and avenues through which
to volunteer. Physical therapists should ask themselves the
following questions when deciding whether to volunteer abroad and
when choosing a specific volunteer opportunity:
1. Why do I want to volunteer abroad? What are my main
motivations and goals for volunteering?
By understanding what drives your desire to volunteer, you will
better be able to live out that purpose while abroad. Having
specific goals will help you better align yourself with the
appropriate volunteer organization.
2. How willing am I to put myself out there? To be open-minded,
committed, flexible and patient?
Being honest with yourself is essential. Knowing your comfort level
and your limits will help you to choose the right type of volunteer
experience for you.
3. What therapeutic services would I like to provide while
By understanding where your talents and passions lie, you will best
be able to find an fitting volunteer opportunity. Areas of need in
the realm of physical therapy are a plenty: delivery of rehab
services (general musculoskeletal and neurological assessments,
critical care/intensive care, pediatrics, maternity, wound care,
amputee gait training), equipment consultation and development,
delivery of continuing professional development programs, creation
and implementation of emergency preparedness plans, and the list
goes on.
4. For what extent of time am I able to (or would I like to)
This question is important for not only figuring out which volunteer
opportunities would suit you best, but will also help with the
initial planning stages of your trip, such as getting coverage at
your work, setting up necessary vaccinations, and packing
appropriately. Volunteer opportunities can range anywhere from as
brief as one week to as extensive as an entire year.
5. Is volunteering abroad expensive? If there is a placement fee
involved, what does that go towards?
Indeed, volunteering abroad can incur a lot of cost. That is why it
is essential to begin early in planning out and calculating
estimated expenses. For people working with Health Volunteers
Overseas (HVO) for example, an assignment can be as short as 2 weeks
or as long as 4 months or more. The average cost of a one-month
assignment with HVO is $2,300, from which a majority of the expense
covers your plane ticket (3). Housing is usually a nominal, or
sometimes even free, expense. Know that all honest, forthright
companies should be able to provide a break down of placement fee
allocation. Often it will include a donation to the volunteer
project, and then external costs such as marketing, product
development, staff costs and overhead (4).
6. How can I go about getting a trip funded?
Once you've decided on a volunteer project and location, the next
step is to brainstorm ways to fund your trip. I have found
successful fundraising occurs when started in an early, proactive
manner and when various approaches are taken. The following are
different avenues from which you can fund a volunteer trip (3):
Networking: Your social network (friends, family, coworkers)
can be a great supportive resource to you in your volunteering
endeavours. There are many vehicles of communication you can use to
get the word out about your volunteer endeavour: in person, emails,
letters, social networking (Facebook, Twitter), etc. Many volunteer
organizations help facilitate fundraising by providing web-based
programs and fundraising web pages.
Fundraisers: Sometimes a good old-fashioned bake sale or car
wash can go a long way! Other ideas include t-shirt sales,
restaurant nights, walk-a-thons, rummage sales, and even silent
Large Organizations: Therapists can often apply for financial
aid throgh larger hospital systems, corporations, or academic
institutions that they are connected with. Places to start include
foundations, charitable organizations, outreach departments,
research grant writing departments at academic institutions, and
even Fulbright scholarships (for more extended 4-5 month trips).
Remember to always present a mission statement, fact sheets, and
photos to create a clearer, more personalized vision of what you are
setting out to do.
Service and Faith-based Organizations: Making presentations
to service-related organizations such as the Rotary Club or Kiwanis
can turn into a great source of financial aid. Church groups are
also very willing to lend support to members with a mission.
Independent Funding: Many therapists do not feel comfortable
asking others for financial assistance. In this case, you may find
yourself using your own income or working more hours and weekends to
fund your trip.
7. Will I be able to talk with other volunteers who’ve
volunteered through this organization or taken part in this
particular project?
It is so important to be able to gain some perspective and realistic
expectations from experienced volunteers. Most honest, quality
volunteer organizations will be able to provide you with a contact
list of return volunteers. Some companies even have online travel
communities where you can talk to past volunteers and check out
pictures from their trips (4).
Opportunities abroad are boundless. By acquainting yourself with all
that is out there and available, you will best be able to find the
right volunteer opportunity for you. Volunteering abroad can often
be a win-win situation. You have the opportunity to make a positive
difference and lasting impact on an underserved community. In
return, you will undoubtedly walk away with a broadened global
perspective, which can easily spread throughout your local community
and in your workplace, down to each patient interaction you have.
You might even return from your first trip like I did, realizing you
caught the volunteer bug, only to start planning a new or return
trip abroad!
Check out the links below from the APTA website Pro Bono services
(International Volunteer Opportunities & Organizations) section (5):
Health Volunteers Overseas:
Project Hope International:
Global Giving:
Medical Teams International:
Doctors without Borders:
Christian Physical Therapists International:
Cure International:
American International Health Alliance:
African Medical Mission:
Healing Hands for Haiti Foundation, Inc:
Haitian Relief Effort:
Last revised: July 19, 2012
by Jennifer Werwie, DPT
Facts on Disability”. World Health Organization. June 2011
D. "The Role of Physical Therapists in Disaster Relief.” PT in Motion. May
D. “How to Find Funding for Volunteer Missions.” PT in Motion. May 2012- 4
(4): 27-32.
"Six Questions to Ask Yourself before Volunteering.” Travellers Quest:
Meaningful Travelling Opportunties. May 2, 2012.
5) “International Volunteer Opportunities and Organizations”. American
Physical Therapy Association website: Practice and Patient Care. Apr 16,