Conditions & Treatments - Ankle Sprain


The most common type of injury to the ankle is an inversion ankle sprain. This is caused by the rolling of the foot inwards and the application of an abnormal force to the outside of the ankle. As a result of this force the ligaments in this region of the ankle could be stretched or torn. The ligament that is most commonly damaged is the anterior talofibular ligament. The calcaneofibular ligament and tendons in the ankle could also be damaged as well if the injury is more severe. The image provided displays the anterior & posterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments.


Ankle Sprain Treatment Options for a PT

· (PRICE) Protect, Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate

· AROM or gentle PROM exercises (see videos 3, 4a&b and 5 for LE/Ankle/Foot)

· Strengthening/Stabilization (see video 1 for Lower Leg/Ankle/Foot)

· Train for crutch use if needed

· Obtain an ankle brace


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Last revised: January 21, 2008
by Chai Rasavong, MPT









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